Alphea Cooper is known for her elaborate and engaging parties. Attendees are assured delectable eats, splendid decorations and an impressive guest list of charming and accomplished folks.
She's even hired a service to park cars and greet guests and collect their things before ushering them in.
SHERRY:"Oooh, look at this sleigh!"BRANDON: " Wow, cool! I wonder if there's anything in the presents"
SHERRY: " Knowing my mom, I'd say yes, and probably something for everyone"
BRANDON: Your mom? Alphea is your mother?
SHERRY: (giggling as she turns to face Brandon) Yep, she sur...(stops and gasps) Oh my gawd. You look just like someone I know. Do you have a twin brother named Gil?
SHERRY: Geez, this is amazing. You have a doppelganger right here in town. Except he doesn't have a mustache.
BRANDON: That is amazing. I'm Brandon and you are...?
SHERRY: (extending her hand) I'm Sherry, pleased to meet you, Brandon. How do you know my mom?
BRANDON: (taking her hand and kissing the back of it) The pleasure is all mine. Can I get you something to drink?
SHERRY: (a little shaken but totally entranced by the suave move) Y-yes, please. (They walk over to the bar. She is mesmerized by his smooth, sexy voice and delightful accent, though she can't quite place it and he smells scrumptious!)
PERLA: What are these on the glasses, Alphea? They are beautiful and I know which glass is mine so easily!
ALPHEA: Right? I love them. They're Diva Glass Slippers - they have a website.
SHERRY: I want this one, it matches my dress.
ALPHEA: Of course, honey! And you can keep yours too, Perla, if you want.
PERLA: Oh, thank you, darling. I love it! And Sherry, I adore your dress! It's so elegant.
SHERRY: Thank you. I got it from DollsViewPoint on Etsy. This length also fits Barbie as long but there's also a long version for our size but I wanted this length.
ALPHEA and PERLA: It's gorgeous! Very lovely!
ALPHEA: Right? I love them. They're Diva Glass Slippers - they have a website.
SHERRY: I want this one, it matches my dress.
ALPHEA: Of course, honey! And you can keep yours too, Perla, if you want.
PERLA: Oh, thank you, darling. I love it! And Sherry, I adore your dress! It's so elegant.
SHERRY: Thank you. I got it from DollsViewPoint on Etsy. This length also fits Barbie as long but there's also a long version for our size but I wanted this length.
ALPHEA and PERLA: It's gorgeous! Very lovely!
More guests arrive. As they enter the room, Perla, let's out a loud GASP. Sherry follows Perla's gaze...
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